In a shocking and heart-wrenching incident that unfolded in North 24 Parganas district, West Bengal, a couple resorted to selling their own eight-month-old baby to finance the purchase of an iPhone 14. The motive behind this distressing act was to create Instagram reels showcasing their travels across various parts of Bengal. The West Bengal Police took swift action, apprehending the mother, identified as ‘Sathi,’ who played a role in the sale of the baby. However, the father, Jaydev Ghosh, remains elusive as authorities intensify their search for him. Neighbours became suspicious when they noticed unusual behavior from the Ghosh family, particularly the lack of concern for their missing baby. Despite the financial difficulties they were known to face, the couple suddenly acquired an expensive iPhone 14, which costs around a lakh. This raised red flags and led concerned neighbors to alert the authorities.
Under pressure from questioning, the mother eventually confessed to the shocking truth that she and her husband had indeed sold their baby to fund the iPhone purchase and finance their travel reels on Instagram. Even more disturbingly, it was revealed that before attempting to sell their baby, the father had previously attempted to sell their seven-year-old daughter as well.
The police have filed a case against the couple, and both the mother who bought the baby and the father are facing criminal charges for their involvement in human trafficking. The investigation is ongoing, and further details will be revealed as the police delve deeper into the case. This incident is a grim reminder of similar tragedies that have occurred in the past, where parents have put their materialistic desires ahead of the well-being of their own children. In 2016, a Chinese couple notoriously sold their 18-day-old daughter for $3530 to purchase an iPhone, and more recently, an Australian woman tragically took her daughters’ lives after expressing a desire to trade her unborn child for an iPhone. Such incidents highlight the urgent need for societies to come together and take preventive measures against such heinous acts. Support systems must be in place to assist families facing financial hardships or mental health issues, as these vulnerable situations can push desperate parents towards unimaginable choices. It is crucial for communities to work collectively to protect the safety and welfare of children and prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future.