In a statement issued on Monday, Gautam Singhania, the Chairman and Managing Director of Raymond, revealed his separation from his wife, Nawaz Modi Singhania. Singhania shared on X that this Diwali would be different for him, expressing the challenges of parting ways after 32 years of being together as a couple and growing as parents. He emphasized his commitment to the well-being of their two children, Niharika and Nisa.
Singhania addressed the ongoing speculation and gossip surrounding his family, attributing it to “not so well-wishers.” Earlier reports had suggested that Nawaz Modi Singhania was allegedly prevented from attending her husband’s Diwali party in Thane the previous week. Media reports indicated that Nawaz recorded a video of the incident, which has since gone viral. In the video, she claimed to have been initially invited but was later denied entry to the premises.