On Friday, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced that 15 NBFCs, including Tata Capital Financial Services and Revolving Investments, have voluntarily surrendered their registration certificates for various reasons. Nine NBFCs have ceased to exist due to reasons such as amalgamation, merger, dissolution, or voluntary strike-off. These include Tata Capital Financial Services, Tata Cleantech Capital, Naperol Investments, USG Financial Services, Urja Capital, Vandana Dealers, ABRN Finance, Jodhani Management, and JDS Securities. Additionally, the RBI stated that six NBFCs surrendered their registration certificates after discontinuing their operations in the Non-Banking Financial Institution (NBFI) sector. These include Vian Growth Capital, Drap Leasing and Finance, Jewel Strips, Revolving Investments, Anshu Leasing, and A V B Finance. The RBI had granted these certificates of registration to them.