The Mahadev Online Betting app has recently come under the scanner in India, as the Enforcement Directorate (ED) intensively probes the alleged scandal. This betting app, accused of aiding illegal betting websites, was reportedly used to onboard new users and facilitate money laundering through a network of hidden bank accounts. Operating from a central office in the UAE, it has allegedly spent an extravagant sum of Rs 200 crore in cash for a lavish wedding event in February 2023. This opulent affair saw private jets transporting family members from Nagpur to the UAE and Bollywood celebrities performing.
In connection with this case, the ED has seized assets totaling Rs 417 crore and summoned notable figures like Tiger Shroff and Sunny Leone, who are believed to have links to the scandal. The masterminds behind the app, Sourabh Chandrakar and Ravi Uppal, originally from Chhattisgarh’s Bhilai, are accused of supporting illegal betting platforms and engaging in money laundering through concealed bank accounts. The ED has carried out searches in various cities and arrested four suspects thus far. Additionally, international investigations are underway, with non-bailable warrants issued for those on the run, including the app’s founders believed to be in Dubai.
According to the ED, the Mahadev app acted as an umbrella syndicate, facilitating illegal betting websites in recruiting new users and channeling funds through a complex network of hidden bank accounts. Large-scale hawala operations were employed to move betting proceeds to offshore accounts. Substantial cash expenditures were also made in India for promoting betting websites and self-promotion, an essential tactic for attracting new users and franchise seekers.
Adding to the evidence against the app’s promoters, Sourabh Chandrakar recently celebrated a lavish wedding ceremony in the United Arab Emirates, estimated to cost Rs 200 crore. Bollywood celebrities were engaged to perform, and private jets were chartered for guest transportation. The ED is also investigating the involvement of Bollywood actors and singers in the Mahadev online betting case, including their presence at the wedding and success party of the app’s promoter in the UAE.
The Mahadev Betting App Scam has captured the attention of Indian law enforcement agencies, and the ED’s ongoing investigation promises to reveal more details in the near future.